Arena Theatre: Trapper workshop – Spectacular!

Arena Theatre: Trapper workshop – Spectacular!

On Thursday the 16th of October our VUS students (7-10) participated in a modern theatre production workshop. Arena Theatre Company brought three specialists to Mallacoota P-12 college to explore the idea of ‘choice’ (how much do we really have) and ‘networks’ (do the invisible networks we live in influence us more than we realise). Rube Goldberg machines were used to explore this idea. What’s a Rube Gold thingy, click the link below.

Students had a ball. They were split into three groups: Writers, Builders and Performers. Each group was tasked with developing a story of change. Each group did fantastic job. During the last session the challenge was to put together the writing, acting and machines. The end result was fantastic. The primary students were on hand as the first every audience for this intricate production. There were 3 Rube Goldberg machines that were interspersed with monologues. Photos are below and a video can be found by clicking the link.

Arena Theatre Company has visited all the secondary schools in the East Gippsland Network. They will be using the ideas the students developed in an upcoming production about ‘change’ and ‘networks’. It is great that our students have been able to contribute to a professional production.

Thanks to:

–          Arena Theatre Company for bringing this production to Mallacoota.

–          The school leadership team for supporting this initiative.

–          The staff that assisted on the day.

–          The students for bringing such a positive and exciting spirit to the program.


A fantastic video has been put up by Arena, starring many of our students.


Simon Berry