Mallacoota P-12 College
ICT Acceptable Use Policy
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), including the internet, are now a fundamental part of life in a digital age. They also offer many potential benefits for teaching and learning.
Mallacoota P-12 College has an important role in ensuring that students know how to use ICT appropriately and safely to access, manage and evaluate information, develop new understandings, and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society.
For the purpose of this policy, Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) are defined as being any electronic devices or applications which allows a user to access, receive, record, copy or send information as text, images, audio, or video.
ICT includes, but is not limited to:
- Computer systems and applications such as email, and the internet
- Networks
- Electronic storage devices
- Mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablet devices and PDAs
- Web-based tools such as social networking sites, chat rooms, blogs, podcasts, instant messaging systems, and P2P file sharing
- Imaging tools such as video, still or web cameras and related software
- Audio tools such as audio recording devices, mp3 players and related software
- Fax and copying machines
- Staff use of Mallacoota P-12 College’s devices and/or network to access the internet or any other ICT application, is governed by the Department’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as amended from time to time.
- Mallacoota P-12 College is committed to safely and responsibly using digital technologies as an integral component of the learning and teaching programs. Refer to DEECD’s policy on Using Digital Technologies to Support Learning and Teaching.
- Student use of the Mallacoota P-12 College’s devices and/or network to access the internet or any other ICT application is governed by the E-Learning Agreement and Google Docs acceptance. Students will be made aware of behaviour which is not acceptable when using ICT and the school’s Bullying, Facebook Policy and Code of Conduct, Behaviour Management and Discipline Policies will apply to breaches of expected behaviours – see “Consequences” below.
- Cyberbullying and using ICT for inappropriate purposes (such as viewing/posting/sharing inappropriate or unlawful content; using ICT to harass, threaten or intimidate etc) will not be tolerated by the college and consequences will apply to students in accordance with the Bullying, Facebook Policy and Code of Conduct, Behaviour Management and Discipline Policies
- Staff and student personal ICT devices should be stored in a safe and secure place as the school will not be held liable for loss, damage or theft.
- Distribution of school owned devices to students and personal student use of the internet at school will only be permitted where students and their parents/carers provide written acknowledgement that students agree to act in accordance with the conditions of loan and standards of conduct established in the college’s E-Learning Agreement.
- The Department’s Acceptable Use Policy applies to all school staff and staff should be familiar with the content of that policy. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action (see Acceptable Use Policy).
- Cameras, still and video (including mobile phone cameras) must not be used in private spaces for example changing rooms, toilets, gyms and swimming areas. Action will be taken against any student or staff member who photographs or films other individuals without their knowledge or permission.
- Photographs, video or digital images of a student are considered “personal information” and therefore their use and disclosure are governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (PDP Act) and the Information Privacy Principles contained within it. Photographs, video and digital images of students may also contain copyright, and therefore may also be governed by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (Copyright Act). To comply with the PDP Act, consent is required from parents/carers before schools can collect and use student photographs and film. In some instances, additional consent may be required to ensure compliance with the Copyright.
- Mallacoota P-12 College will exercise special care and diligence when photographing and filming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities. Premised on mutual respect, trust and the principle of free, prior and informed consent, the following will be discussed with the appropriate custodian/s prior to taking any footage:
- a clear explanation of the film or photo process
- proper information about the project, including the message, the medium and the audience
- all proposed and foreseeable uses of the material, including secondary uses
- the impacts of the material being disseminated
- timeframes
- any relevant intellectual property matters
- that the person can choose not to be photographed or filmed.
Staff must not use any materials for purposes or uses other than that for which individuals have provided their free, prior and informed consent. Images should also be positive and empowered images to assist in the promotion of the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As with all students, written consent is required for the photographing or filming of any student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.
The use of the Mallacoota P-12 College’s ICT resources, including network, is subject to the Acceptable Use Policy (for staff) and Acceptable Use Agreements (for students). The school’s ICT resources can only be used for or in connection with the educational or administrative functions of the school.
This policy is intended to operate within and be consistent with existing school policies and procedures in areas such as:
- Student Engagement and Well policy
- Anti-bullying (specifically cyber-bullying)
- Anti-harassment policies
4.1 Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of staff and students to protect his/her password and not divulge it to another person. If a student or staff member knows or suspects his/her account has been used by another person, the account holder must notify a teacher or the administration as appropriate, immediately.
All messages created, sent or retrieved on the school’s network are the property of the school. The school reserves the right to access and monitor all messages and files on the computer system, as necessary and appropriate. Communications including text and images may be required to be disclosed to law enforcement and other third parties without the consent of the sender.
4.2 Consequences of Improper Use
Consistent with the Bullying, Facebook Policy and Code of Conduct, Behaviour Management and Discipline Policies breaches of the Acceptable Use Policy by students and staff can result in a number of consequences depending on the severity of the breach and the context of the situation.
For Students;
- removal of network access privileges
- removal of email privileges
- removal of internet access privileges
- removal of printing privileges
- other consequences as outlined in the school’s policies
For Staff:
Non-compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy will be regarded as a serious matter and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. See Acceptable Use Policy for more information –
Use of ICT to engage in behaviour that amounts to bullying, harassment or unlawful discrimination is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
While the internet may be largely a self-regulated environment, principles of defamation law, privacy law and community standards still apply to communication and publishing via the internet or other electronic means. In addition to school consequences, there are legal sanctions for improper use of the internet and ICT.
Other school policies which are connected with this policy are:
- The school’s Anti-bullying (including cyber-bullying)
- The school’s Anti-harassment policy
- The school’s Student Engagement & Wellbeing policy
- The school’s Duty of Care policy
This policy will be reviewed annually or more often if necessary due to changes in legislation, policy or local circumstances.
Cate Tregellas
School Council President
Mallacoota P12 eLearning Agreement
When using my personal school laptop:
- I agree to use it primarily as a LEARNING TOOL
- I agree to bring my laptop to school each day fully charged
- I agree to take responsibility for my files and always save a back up
- I agree not to share my laptop or password with other students
- I agree to respect my parents/guardians and teachers by using my laptop in accordance with the Mallacoota P12 eLearning Agreement as well as any rules set my parents/guardians at home
- I understand the laptop is school property and that I will be required to hand it in if I breach the eLearning or Laptop Agreements
- I understand that all content and activity on my laptop is recorded and easily accessed and that my laptop is therefore not PRIVATE. I understand my teachers/parents/guardians have the right to view the content of my laptop anytime.
- I agree to not to install, delete or modify the pre-installed laptop software
- I agree to respect myself, others and the environment and to be SAFE, RESPONSIBLE and CONSIDERATE in the way I communicate with others
- I agree to use the laptop as directed by my teacher/parent/guardian
- I agree to abide by the terms of the Mallacoota P12 eLearning Agreement both at home, at school and on school excursions
- I agree to use common sense and to practise safe and responsible OH & S
- I agree to carry my laptop inside the case when it is not in use
- I agree to report any damage to ICT technician and I understand repairs must be authorised.
- I agree to report loss or theft to the ICT Coordinator and then the police.
The laptops have a 3 year warranty however repair or replacement costs outside warranty and reasonable use may be incurred by the student/parent/guardian.
The school provides free internet access to all students in a safe environment.
When using the Internet, I agree to:
- protect my privacy rights and those of other students by not giving out personal details including full names, telephone numbers, addresses and images
- use the Internet in line with my school’s student code of conduct and use appropriate language when talking to and working with others online
- use the Internet at school for educational purposes and use the equipment properly
- use social networking sites for educational purposes and only as directed by teachers
- not deliberately enter or remain in any site that has obscene language or offensive content (e.g. racist material or violent images)
- abide by copyright procedures when using content on websites (ask permission to use images, text, audio and video and cite references where necessary)
- think about how I use content posted on the Internet and not simply copy and paste information from websites
- not interfere with network security, the data of another user or attempt to log into the network with a user name other than my own
- not reveal my password to anyone except the system administrator or classroom teachers
- not bring or download unauthorised programs, including games, to the school or run them on school computers
- talk to my teacher
or another adult if:
- I need help online
- I feel that the welfare of other students at the school is being threatened by online activities
- I come across sites which are not suitable for our school
- someone writes something I don’t like, or makes me and my friends feel uncomfortable or asks me to provide information that I know is private.
When using the mobile devices at school such as a camera, camcorder, USB stick, ipod, mp3player, portable hard drive, laptop or netbook, I agree to:
- not bring or download unauthorised programs, including games, to the school or run them on school computers
- use these devices for learning purposes as directed by my teacher
- mobile phones should be switched off in class, unless directed by the teacher
- act responsibly and not use the device to find, create or send information that might be harmful, inappropriate or hurtful to me or anyone else
- only take photos or record sound or video when it is part of a class or lesson
- seek permission from individuals involved before taking photos, recording sound or videoing them (including teachers)
- seek written permission from individuals involved before publishing or sending photos, recorded sound or video to anyone else or to any online space
- respect others when I talk to and work with them online and never write or participate in online bullying
- seek teacher permission before uploading any content to websites, blogs etc
This Acceptable Use Policy also applies to students during school excursions, camps and extra curricula activities.
I have read the eLearning Agreement and understand the significance of the conditions and agree to abide by these conditions. I understand that a breach of these conditions will result in consequences including loss of internet access privileges.
Student Name:___________________________________ Year Level:__________
Student Signature:_______________________________
Parent Signature:________________________________