Fun, Interesting Things to Play

IMG_0995 This week for our group actiivities we played with the washing line. We have to sort the washing according to the first sound in the word. We think its interesting.IMG_0996 We were decorating our Spanish rainbow that has the different words for the colours. Azul is blue, verde is green, rojo is red, rosa is pink, naranja is orange, moored is purple and amarillo is yellow.

This is the Rosie’s Walk mat. We have read about Rosie and the fox. On the mat we play with the puppets. We like it, some of us even love it.


IMG_0997 On the iPad we trace the patterns with our fingers. We are practising handwriting. It is fun.IMG_0998

Here we are reading Rosie’s Walk. It is a display on each side of the ramp. Please come and have a look at our chickens. They have the words that describe how Rosie went around the farm.


Silent Reading

Today was our first practise at Silent Reading after lunch. We went to the different classrooms to see how they read so, so quietly. We saw the Grade 5/6s and the Year 7s all reading their own books quietly. One boy was even reading his book on his phone.

When we got back to our classroom we had a practise. Mrs Fellows even took a video to show us how well we did. Unfortunately it won’t fit on this website.