Bye Bye Ketzia


Today is Ketzia’s last day with us. It is also her last teaching placement. During her time with us we have done lots of great things together.

In Maths, Ketzia did some measuring activities with us. She had us measuring the length of objects and identifying whether items were long or short. This week in Maths we made column and pictographs.IMG_7465

In Science, we worked on gases and discovered there was Carbon Dioxide in Soda Water. We even made sultanas dance.


We read The Hungry Giant. It is a great book. Jamie loves it. In it he has a Bommy Knocker and he is cranky because he is so hungry.

We also learnt that it is important to be Resilient.

IMG_7515Thank you for helping us. I wish you didn’t have to leave.  From Gypsy

We are really sad that Ketzia is leaving. We had great fun with her. From Jessica

Ketzia is the best. I have liked doing Science with her. From Winter

Thank you for being a good teacher. From Bella

Ketzia is the best teacher in the whole world. From Crystal

Thanks for teaching us. I have enjoyed Maths the most. From Loki

You are the best teacher. I enjoyed Maths with you. From Kalani

I wish you could stay here forever. From Jamie

I liked the experiment that we made of making the sultanas float. From Mikayla

Ketzia did Science with us. I loved making the sultanas dance. From Halle

Today is Ketzia’s last day and we looked at Resilience with her. We also did measuring, long, tall and short. We have also learnt liquids, solids and gases. We all love you. We will all miss you. From Cohen

My favourite activity with Ketzia was learning resilience. From Finn

Ketzia is kind. Ketzia is really nice to us. I think she will be a good teacher when she grows up. From Lirra

We like Ketzia. From Kade

Ketzia helped us to make goo and she taught us how to make sultanas dance. From Kyra

When Ketzia came to our classroom we learnt all about graphs. This is something all about graphs that Ketzia taught us. You have to have the names of what the graph is about and we’ve got a Favourite Colour graph in our classroom. The favourite colour in our classroom is aqua. From Nina