Rain, Rain, Go Away!

In Huff and Puff today we had to roll the tennis balls into a bucket. Sometimes they would roll out but they still counted towards our team’s score. Rolling helps us practise our underarm throw. Exercise is great for our brain and heart.

We looked at a Youtube clip about the brain today. The things that we can do to look after our brain are protect your head with a helmet during bike riding or other activities, exercise, eat healthy food and challenge your brain daily.

On the computers we went to the scrap colouring website, scapcoloring.com. There we could type and colour in our name and a picture of our choice.

We played a game of Non-Fiction Bingo. We found a lifecycle, labels, headings, diagrams and an index.

Tomorrow is Footy Colours Day. We are all very excited to have our families come for lunch and fun activities.